Drumming for Education and the Scouts..

Drumming for Education and the Scouts..

Mystic Beats delivering a Daff workshop and Eid Assembly at a local school again this year! Very talented and focused year 5 and year 6 children, having a go at



Mystic Beats has had the honour of interacting with great personalities from around the Globe. It has co-hosted a range of events across the UK with prominent artists such as

Shimmering monthly

Shimmering monthly

One beautiful way to learn and celebrate the life of the Prophet of Islam, Mohammed (pbuh) is to sing the many poems written about him whilst playing the Daff. The

Wedding and Parties

Wedding and Parties

Mystic Beats are always ready to Party! Taking Wedding and Mehdi performances for your special occasion. Also catering for Birthday parties or whatever the excuse to dress up and celebrate!

Family Retreats

Family Retreats

Wonderful experience to be part of Family Retreats – there is something for everyone! Mystic Beats has performed at the Minhaj Sisters Tazkiya Retreat and been an integral part of

Drumming and Interfaith

Drumming and Interfaith

One of Mystic Beats’ passions is to celebrate diversity and promote mutual understanding and respect for one another. It therefore always wonderful when we are invited to perform at events

National Daff Workshops – Children

National Daff Workshops – Children

The children’s Daff workshops have been very popular throughout the UK, with new requests coming in all the time. There are wonderful memories from the workshops delivered in Derby, Keighley,

National Daff Workshops – Ladies

National Daff Workshops – Ladies

The three-hour Daff workshops have been very popular throughout the UK, with new requests coming in all the time. There are fond memories from the workshops delivered in Derby, Bolton,

Performances at Mawlids

Performances at Mawlids

Mystic Beats has been blessed to attend countless gatherings over the years, which have always felt special due to being in the presence of Ustadhas across the UK and Internationally.